We’re a loud and proud bunch at BurgerFuel and we embrace equality and diversity in every way possible, and there was no better way to celebrate this than parading the streets of Ponsonby during the loudest and largest pride carnival in New Zealand.
During Pride Week, we hit the streets promoting our custom crafted Ponsonby Rose WHIP dessert and encouraged the crowd to get amongst the excitement of celebrating equality and diversity in an environment as charged as our food! Local businesses were graced with samples of our Ponsonby Rose dessert and ‘Ponsonby Road Happy Hour’ vouchers where they were offered one FREE Ponsonby Rose with any gourmet burger purchase between the hours of 6-7pm each night!

The Ponsonby Rose, our very own all-natural WHIP spun with a rose infusion, topped with mini marshmallows and Persian Rose Fairy Floss. This beautifully crafted WHIP replicated a magical unicorn, tasted like a beautiful rose garden and made you feel like you were skipping along rainbows amongst a pink sunset.
Setting the scene like Ponsonby road does we teamed up with our neighbours at The Longroom and amplified our Pride Parade promotions together. Turning heads and attracting the masses were two famous Drag Queens who devoured our Ponsonby Road desserts and gave some away to the most extravagant Pride parade supporters. The Longroom generously supplied some bevvies to supplement our WHIP and keep customers cool during one of the hottest days this summer!