Every month we shout burgers to the legends among us who give back to their community or help people in need.
Every month we shout burgers to the legends among us who give back to their community or help people in need.
This month, we shout out to the Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW) initiative and the incredible work they are doing to educate people about the amount of food waste New Zealander’s are creating each year and how we can adjust our lifestyles to reduce the impact we are having on the environment.

Love Food Hate Waste was created in collaboration with 59 councils across the country in conjunction with the Waste Management Institute New Zealand (WasteMINZ) and Wanaka Wastebusters.
In 2018 LFHW identified that New Zealand households throw away 157,389 tonnes of edible food annually, enough to feed 337,744 people or the population of Dunedin for three years. Which equates to $1.17 Billon in wasted food a year.

LFHW enabled the team to connect and form relationships with key partners, such as New World, Countdown and The University of Otago which led to many successes including reaching those high food wasters. With audits showing that targeted households who have heard of LFHW have since decreased their food waste to landfill by 27.1%.