BurgerFuel Worldwide Notice of Change of Name

The Directors of Burger Fuel Worldwide Limited are pleased to announce that Burger Fuel Worldwide Limited will undertake a name change to Burger Fuel Group Limited with effect from the 1st July 2019.
The ticker code will change accordingly from BFW to BFG.
The change in name reflects Burger Fuel transforming from a single brand, international company to a multi-brand, New Zealand company.
Whilst we remain fully dedicated to supporting the BurgerFuel brand and driving growth within the BurgerFuel® business, the group is now also focused on the development of our other brands, Winner Winner®, the chicken concept purchased by BFW in December 2017, and Shake Out®, the new burger concept developed in-house.
For and on behalf of the directors,
Josef Roberts
Burger Fuel Worldwide Limited