Speed and Custom

Hey team!
Just arrived here into Winton, rural Victoria, Australia for the third round of the V8 Supercar Development Series – and it’s colllddd! Colder than NZ!
The last time I was over here and in fact my last post I was getting set for the second round of the championship over in Perth over two weeks ago... Well what a shocker weekend that turned out to be. We battled hard for car set up most of the weekend and unfortunately never found a sweet spot with the car struggling home somewhere down the back. It was bitterly disappointing considering our positive start to the championship back at Adelaide in March. To be honest I was glad to see the back of the place when we boarded our plane home Sunday evening after the races…
Moving on though and chins up for this weekend, it should be a cracker. Winton is a real tight and twisty joint, quite limited for passing opportunities so you’ve got to ensure you qualify well otherwise it can hurt your race results. I also get a chance to drive the SuperBlack V8 Supercar in a few practice sessions this weekend which should be awesome. This is the car I will be driving in for the V8 Supercar enduros later on in the year.
Last weekend I was out on the dirt bike taking part in the annual ‘Desert Storm’ two day trail ride event down near Ohakune. It was such a blast smashing the trails with the boys. We clocked up just shy of 200 kays across the two days so I was well tired by the end of it but I had a lot of fun. Knowing I was racing this weekend it was always in the back of my head not to push too hard in case of hurting myself. It’s a bit hard though when you’re out there with the lads… good times.
Right oh, send me those good vibes for this weekend. Hope to catch up with some of you supporting big Brad Smith in the B F drifter at Puke in a few weeks.
Thanks as always for the support. Peace.
Cheers, Ant