Win a PS3 and "the last of us" prize pack!

Ok, a few of us have been errrmm "testing" this game over the weekend for you and well, "The Last Of Us" is pretty legit. All those years of rummaging through the couch for spare change to then brave the midnight BurgerFuel run whilst avoiding the drunken strangers trying to attack you are finally going to pay off. This game has gone Post-Apocalyptic or Post Pandemic even. How bad, you ask? Imagine a world with no BurgerFuel, that bad. Heck by this stage some of the humans are being eaten by fungus, that damn fungus be hungus. Anyway, the game be good, trust us, 30 hours over 1 weekend don't lie.
TO WIN: Just email us the story of your best BurgerFuel adventure to winshit@burgerfuel.co.nz - extra points for any video or photo re-enactments. You must be over the age of 18 to enter