We've Gone Free Range!

We got drunk on beer battered fries recently and went skinny dipping in a ute tray full of aioli… don’t ask. As we relished in the freedom of it all, we decided we’d announce our BIG NEWS this week by dressing up in chicken suits and staging a freedom rally downtown – chanting ‘Free our Peckers!’ and waiting for the riot police to turn up. But we canned it when we realised how much chafing you get from a chicken suit… and really, our news speaks for itself…
We’re pretty damn pleased to announce... all the chicken we serve at BurgerFuel in New Zealand is now 100% FREE RANGE and comes with the SPCA Blue Tick.
It’s taken us a while to secure a sustainable supplier of free range chicken, but because we believe that all chickens should be treated humanely, we’ve persevered and we can now safely say that all our chicken is now free as a bird (pardon the pun).
Power to the mother cluckin’ poultry.