Tweets N Treats

Here at BurgerFuel we’re all about winning free stuff, like last week Dave from accounts won a preserves hamper. However, there’s one thing we like doing more than winning free shit and that’s giving it away, so we created Tweets n’ Treats! Now every time you give BurgerFuel a shout out on twitter about how awesome, cool, funny and just an all-round GCs we are, you have the chance to win some BurgerFuel treats!
How you ask? Well, we select the bestest tweets from the past month to go in the next BurgerVision (that funny vid that plays in all of our stores)and if you spot your tweet on screen, all you have to do is DM us with your address and we’ll send you some Burgerlicousness - the perfect relationship.
If you want to tell us how amazing we are (as many times as you like), you’ll get the chance to win so find us on Twitter https://twitter.com/BurgerFuel and tweet at us @BurgerFuel