The Summer Ginge Binge Shake is out now!

Tis’ the season to fight your way through mistletoe, dodge kisses from extended family, vegetate minus the vegetables and Ginge Binge out. Now, while we’re all partial to a snog on the egg nog there comes
a time to take a stand and sit down to enjoy a classic BurgerFuel Thickshake.
Before you get your jingle bells a tingling and charge on down to your local purple winged beacon of light, we have news. Good news. Especially for you comrade, we’ve fashioned a summery, creamy shake to slurp yourself silly on... Summer Ginge Binge. Those words, whispered only by gingerbread angels…. Angels because we ate them, but that’s minor details, they're angels nonetheless.
Just like all our products, we patiently wait for a loyal customer to come in and order before we make them, and, once said courting ritual is complete, we begin...
Across the country, from the coastal curves of Whangaparaoa to the rolling hills of Invercargill, we dive deep into our freezers to retrieve our creamy, natural Nu Zuland ice cream. With ice cream scoop in one hand and shake cup in other, we carefully caress out a generous portion of ice cream. Erotic almost, how it curls into a ball of ice cold creaminess to perfectly plop into our iconic purple vessels.
With a splash of the freshest milk we quickly begin to blend the contents of our secret ginger bread recipe. The beloved gingerbread men and women, each sacrificing themselves for the greater good. Hand spun, a tear is shed and a shake, so good it should go straight to the pool room, another Summer Ginge Binge is born.
We also have soy option if you don’t dig dairy. It’s the ultimate in alternative fuel and every time you drink one, a puppy or kitten sighs in contentment, gets caught on camera and becomes a
YouTube sensation.
Go on, grab one for yourself... or two. Maybe make your mate, sister, a random on the street stoked with life because the second one's on us!