is a permanent fixture at B.A.D. We think he might even sleep there...might explain the sleeping bag and jammys in the cupboard.
He's a dedicated lean, mean machine and leaves most of us in the dust every session. Cole tells us what it is about B.A.D that keeps him coming back...
Why do you live at, we mean, come down to the B.A.D sessions every week?
I like the social atmosphere down there. It's a bit of fun and hard work rolled into one.
What exercise do you particularly HATE and want to have a tanty every time you see it written up on the board?
It'll have to be those bloody ground and pound burpies. No matter how much you psych yourself up to just get in there and smash them. They just kill me every time.
What workout do you really like and want to take for long walks along the beach?
I quite like doing the triple 7 or the 300. Those ones that you have to try and push yourself to do, with minimal break time in between. It's super hard! But fun, haha! It's always good to have Josh there to give you a push when ya need it, and Kairau too.
What is your favourite BurgerFuel pre-load or post workout burger?
Pre workout I'd prob just have a protein shake, but afterwards ya gotta have a backfire! Extra chicken for those gains! Haha!
What kind of exercise, if any, do you do outside of B.A.D.?
I don't do too much outside of the B.A.D. sessions. But I do like to run up Mt Eden or go down to the park and do shuttle runs up some stairs with a buddy.
We’ll be your buddy.