
If you’re feeling anything like us, you’re still in mourning for your precious Easter weekend that’s now a foggy, caramel-filled memory, but your post hot cross bun sugar high seems to be lingering around like a trucker hat salesman at a Donald Trump rally.
Luckily for you, we’ve organised a savoury treat to help you forget about the balls of coloured foil and melted chocolate you’ll no doubt find down the side of the couch in 6 months when you’re searching for the TV remote! Introducing (again)…the deliciously crispy SMASH BROWNS with all new MARMITE™ AIOLI! That’s right, we heard you wanted these golden, fluffy little guys back, so we kindly obliged, but with a classic Kiwi twist!
We know, Marmite™ Aioli sounds about as weird as dipping your Spud Fries in a chocolate Thickshake (ummm, YUM), BUT don’t knock it before you try it! It’s the perfect combination of our creamy, addictive BurgerFuel Aioli and New Zealand’s own iconic tangy Marmite™ (which happens to be an excellent source of folate and a good source of B vitamins). If it’s good enough for the lovely folk over at Sanitarium who are all over this dip game, it’s good enough for you!