By Jove, She's Back!
Yay May! It's always been our favourite month. Ever since 2001 that is, when the first NZ Music Month kicked off. This year we're back and highlighting some artists we think you deserve to hear about. We asked them to come up with a 100% Kiwi playlist to share with you. It's Aotearoa as!
Each week we'll release a new playlist, and then we're rounding out the month with a special edition of Friday Night Bites - where you could see some of the artists live at BurgerFuel HQ (stay tuned for details).
First up is Jupita. Otherwise known as Julia Morris, she has played in LEXXA with her sister Maude. And given her lineage, it's hardly a surprise she's ended up making music :)
Check out the playlist from Jupita below, and make sure you tune in to hear the full story behind the selections on-air. Happy NZ Music Month 2022 from Radio BurgerFuel.

Her debut single Anxiety is catchy as hell, and Jupita tells us #2 is on the way shortly.
She's put together a well rounded list, which just happens to include last years playlist makers The Beths and Imugi, recent interviewee Mousey, as well as some classic Ladyhawke and Elemeno P. Basically, this is how your weekend should sound, brought to you by Ford Freakout fan Jupita.