Happy NZ Music Month!
We're suckers for routine (makes life easier for our brain, yo!), so even 23 years on, we're still up for any excuse to celebrate awesome Aotearoa music.
So we'll do what we do and shine the stage lights on some talented artists each week. We'll have a yarn about community & colabs because that's this year's theme, and we've asked them to put together a special playlist, just for you.
But first, we're going introspective, talking about our own community and the awesome people that inhabit it. Check out the playlist below, and Happy NZ Music Month 2022 from Radio BurgerFuel.

Of course, as part of fuelling your human engine, our world bleeds purple. But, it also runs grey. The Radio BurgerFuel studio is in Grey Lynn, just a few minutes walk from the park that The Veils sung about and Diggy Dupé chucked on the cover of his Island Time EP.
So this is our ode to everyone that's in this community, and that's become a part of ours. We love all the amazing humans that have joined us over the years to share their music and minds. Whether it be for a chat on the couch in front of the purple wall, or jamming out live at Friday Night Bites. Thank you :)