Her EP 'Humans' was one of our favourite releases of 2022, so with a new tune just released it's only fitting that we asked Georgia Lines to share some love and let us in on her community from Tauranga and beyond. Get in her head and check out her playlist below and Happy NZ Music Month 2023 from Radio BurgerFuel.

With the theme of this year's Te Marama Puoro o Aotearoa / New Zealand Music Month being Community + Collaboration, we asked Aidan Fine to share some of his thoughts on this.
Radio BurgerFuel (RBF): What does community mean to you?
Georgia Lines (GL): Community is everything! Without it, life can be so lonely & isolating! The beautiful thing about having community is that you have people who are there to carry you in the hard moments and also celebrate with you when things are going really well.
RBF: Can you give us any examples that have helped you along the way?
GL: When I was first beginning to play guitar and write music, I had this amazing guitar teacher who really pushed and encouraged me and was such a pivotal person for me in feeling confident enough to pursue this as a career.
RBF: Anyone that is coming up that you’d like to support and show some love to?
GL: Oooh, I find it so hard to name one person! So here’s a handful …. Amila, Lou’ana, Gracie Moller, Blake and Frankie Venter!
I actually created a mini web-series called INTROS, which is all about me interviewing up and coming artists, we talk about their journey, their songwriting process, how they navigate mental health and other really important conversations around aspects of the industry. It is something I am so deeply passionate about. It all started from feeling this need to create a platform to showcase all the amazing female/non-binary artists who were doing such amazing things and writing incredible music, but were going under the radar. So if you haven’t seen INTROS yet and want to find a bunch of amazing new Kiwi artists, you should totally jump on Instagram and catch up on all the episodes.