Speed and Custom
NZ Superlap Series - round 6 Hampton Downs

AND THATS A WRAP!!!! 2014-2015 NZ Superlap Series thanks for having me and the BurgerFuel Evo along for the ride. It's been a total blast and reflecting back on the season I'm very thankful for allot of aspects, first off my crew... Andrew Redward, Tristan Roper, Ian Sheppard and Chelsea Roper. Second my fantastic and always supportive sponsors whom I would not be where I am today without. Third the hardworking teams behind the scenes at NZDRL/ Kaz & Kerri. Fourth my fellow competitors that I have shared many laughs/friendly rivalry with. Fifth my supporters and public and last but not least the primo photographers who spend all day long soaking up those petrol fumes to provide us with the best possible event coverage possible. I'm super happy to report we completed the championship in second place and I'm very excited as to what the off-season will hold ?#?watchthisspace?. Congrats to all the winners! Nothing but respect, lots of love your friendly circuit racing gal. KBR