Radio BurgerFuel
Music: TOTW 002

Each week I'll be bringing you a track that's come to my attention. It might be a new one, or an old favourite that's been lost in the sands of time. We've imaginiately titled it Track Of The Week (TOTW for short fo' sho').
This week it's 'The Mistress (feat. Dan Moss)' from British DnB duo SpectraSoul. They're part of Friction's Shogun Audio and have just released The Mistress LP (buy HERE). Have a listen below and enjoy on Radio BurgerFuel.
This week it's 'The Mistress (feat. Dan Moss)' from British DnB duo SpectraSoul. They're part of Friction's Shogun Audio and have just released The Mistress LP (buy HERE). Have a listen below and enjoy on Radio BurgerFuel.