Radio BurgerFuel
Music Meal: The Datsuns - Death Rattle Boogie

The Datsuns realeased their debut album in 2002 while I was out of NZ on my OE. So I'm ashamed to say I missed that boat and have never hopped back on.
Death Rattle Boogie is the fifth studio effort and it oozes with the bourbonesque sound of driving guitar riffs. The four boys from Cambridge have pieced together a sound which would be just at home on the streets of Stockholm (where this record was recorded) as it would in Southland.
There are Zeppelin like moments in Goodbye Ghosts and lighter shades in Shadow Looms, but this really is a rock record from start to end. Standouts include Axethrower and my favourite, Skull Full Of Bones.
It's the type of music you'd expect to hear at a sweaty, heaving pub whilst you spill some tasty ale on the floor. After the gig you'd go outside and start shivering as your sweat dries in the crisp air. You take a deep breath and think life is pretty great here in NZ.
Buy Death Rattle Boogie - The Datsuns on iTunes.