Radio BurgerFuel
Interview: Villainy - Neill Fraser

It's supposed to mean wicked behaviour, but Villainy also means wicked rock music. I talked to Neill Fraser, vocalist/guitarist from Auckland four-piece Villainy ahead of their Big Day Out set opening the Aroha Stage at Western Springs.
Find out more about Villainy and check out all the Big Day Out info.
Hear the interview with Neill from Villainy below, and to hear more interviews or DJ sets go to the Radio BurgerFuel page on Mixcloud. Don't forget to listen to Radio BurgerFuel - stream us HERE or via TuneIn or iTunes Radio.
Villainy - Alligator Skin (BUY)
Blindspott - Yours Truly (BUY)
Shihad - Home Again (BUY)
Arcade Fire - Normal Person (BUY)
Spiderbait - Miss The Boat (BUY)
The Smashing Pumkpins - Today (BUY)
Pink Floyd - Money (BUY)
Villainy - Ammunition (BUY)
The Sinking Teeth - Temporary Living (BUY)
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (BUY)
Villainy - Another Time (BUY)
Find out more about Villainy and check out all the Big Day Out info.
Hear the interview with Neill from Villainy below, and to hear more interviews or DJ sets go to the Radio BurgerFuel page on Mixcloud. Don't forget to listen to Radio BurgerFuel - stream us HERE or via TuneIn or iTunes Radio.
Villainy - Alligator Skin (BUY)
Blindspott - Yours Truly (BUY)
Shihad - Home Again (BUY)
Arcade Fire - Normal Person (BUY)
Spiderbait - Miss The Boat (BUY)
The Smashing Pumkpins - Today (BUY)
Pink Floyd - Money (BUY)
Villainy - Ammunition (BUY)
The Sinking Teeth - Temporary Living (BUY)
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (BUY)
Villainy - Another Time (BUY)