Radio BurgerFuel
Interview: Saving Grace - Vasely & For All Eternity - Shane

Find out about Saving Grace and buy their new album 'The Urgency' from iTunes. You can also check out For All Eternity on Facebook.
Hear the interview with Vasely & Shane below, and to hear more interviews or DJ sets go to the Radio BurgerFuel page on Mixcloud. Don't forget to listen to Radio BurgerFuel - stream us HERE or via TuneIn or iTunes Radio.
Saving Grace - Ablaze (BUY)
Stan Walker - Take It Easy (BUY)
Halestorm - Freak Like Me (BUY)
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell (BUY)
Megadeth - Burn!
Slayer - Bloodline (BUY)
The Bleeders - No Hope Left (BUY)
Saving Grace - Unbreakable (BUY)
AFI - Wild (BUY)
For All Eternity - White Flame (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Anthrax & Public Enemy - Bring Tha Noise (BUY)
Metallica - Enter Sandman (BUY)
Dayshell - Share With Me (BUY)
Saving Grace & For All Eternity by Radioburgerfuel on Mixcloud