Radio BurgerFuel
Interview: Miss June

Radio BurgerFuel's Lee Densem talks with Auckland four piece Miss June after the recent release of their debut EP, Matriarchy.
Check out the latest from Miss June on Facebook.
Listen to the interview (edited by Lucas Hogan) below, and for more interviews go to the Radio BurgerFuel page on Mixcloud. Don't forget to listen to Radio BurgerFuel - stream us HERE, or via TuneIn or iTunes Radio.
Check out the latest from Miss June on Facebook.
Listen to the interview (edited by Lucas Hogan) below, and for more interviews go to the Radio BurgerFuel page on Mixcloud. Don't forget to listen to Radio BurgerFuel - stream us HERE, or via TuneIn or iTunes Radio.
Miss June by Radioburgerfuel on Mixcloud