Radio BurgerFuel
Interview: Kerretta

Seeing as there is no frontman for Kiwi band Kerretta, I grabbed their drummer Hamish Walker for a chat at Radio BurgerFuel before their first concert in NZ for 3 years. We talked about the difficulties of having band members in different continents and 'guest' vocalists.
Find Kerretta on Facebook and grab their latest album 'Pirohia' from iTunes.
Listen to the interview with Hamish from Kerretta below, and to hear more interviews or DJ sets go to the Radio BurgerFuel page on Mixcloud. Don't forget to listen to Radio BurgerFuel - stream us HERE, or via TuneIn or iTunes Radio.
Kerretta - Ossein Trail (BUY)
Cairo Knife Fight - No Longer Silent (BUY)
Pink Floyd - Louder Than Words (BUY)
Dire Straits - Money For Nothing (BUY)
Hilltop Hoods - Cosby Sweater (BUY)
Kerretta - Warnlands (BUY)
Find Kerretta on Facebook and grab their latest album 'Pirohia' from iTunes.
Listen to the interview with Hamish from Kerretta below, and to hear more interviews or DJ sets go to the Radio BurgerFuel page on Mixcloud. Don't forget to listen to Radio BurgerFuel - stream us HERE, or via TuneIn or iTunes Radio.
Kerretta - Ossein Trail (BUY)
Cairo Knife Fight - No Longer Silent (BUY)
Pink Floyd - Louder Than Words (BUY)
Dire Straits - Money For Nothing (BUY)
Hilltop Hoods - Cosby Sweater (BUY)
Kerretta - Warnlands (BUY)
Kerretta by Radioburgerfuel on Mixcloud