Christmas came early - Welcoming the FRICKEN ROAST

Rebels with a cause/Clause/claws…
Yip, that’s us, bucking the trend and getting all Christmas in November on you. Ok, ok, everyone’s doing it, but forget the lame presents, creepy santa this, mistletoe that and forgive us because we’ve got a festive burger that’s going to ring your bells right through till December.
We’re kicking off November with the Fricken Roast burger – that’s chicken seasoned with rosemary and garlic, crumbed pumpkin, carrot, chickpea and ginger bites, cranberry sauce and the warmer of the cockles of your heart… rich, robust gravy. It’s like the sex pistols got in the kitchen with your grandma and lo and behold, the Fricken Roast was born.
Let the silly season begin.
The BurgerFuel NZ Crew