Radio BurgerFuel
Chow Down : 027 OhBeOne

Welcome to Episode 27 of our weekly guest mix - The Chow Down - curated by me, Scizzorhands. Each week, I'll bring you a different DJ as we travel all over the world, across loads of different genres.
Happy New Year to you all! This week we come back strong with a guest all the way from Indianapolis, USA
In mid-2017, I flew to Indianapolis with Burgerfuel to play at their opening party for the first store in the USA. The state is home to the Indy500 and I quickly found it is also home to many really good DJ's
On episode 5 of the Chow Down, I introduced Niko Flores of Indiana, a badman of a DJ and tutor at Deckademics DJ school. Deckademics is a school run by DJ Metrognome who has become a mentor and tutor for many DJ's in the state. DJ Metrognome holds the bar high for many up and comers - it's no wonder Indiana produces so many great DJ's. A few to name would be Matsu, Buck Rodgers and the Indianapolis heavy weight himself, Topspeed.
So this week I've reached out once again across the pond to bring you a guest mix from another tutor and great DJ from the stables of Deckademics straight out of Indianapolis, USA this is DJ OhBeOne.
Also make sure you subscribe to our Mixcloud channel so you don't miss any future episodes.