Radio BurgerFuel
Chow Down : 006 Nekolai

Welcome to Episode 6 of our weekly guest mix the Chow Down curated by me, Scizzorhands. Each week I'll bring you a different DJ as we travel all over the world, across loads of different genres.
In the crazy world we live in, being experimental is .. well not very well recieved at the best of times. But music heads around the globe tend you unite when it comes to being experimental.
Conspiracies lead us to believe that scientists work in labs experimenting for crazy reasons for crazy nations, meanwhile producers are getting busy pushing their music software and hardware to the breaking points. Having these budding producers getting crazy with their music leads to musical movements. One movement that has been taking the world by storm has been the Future Bass scene. With heavy weights such as Mr. Carmack and Kaytranada pathing the way into the mainstream, some producers have kept to the underground and more experimental side of the Genre.
So when you mash together the minds of Kaytranada, Flying Lotus, and J Dilla the result is none less than the mind of Nekolai. So for Episode 6 you have a taste of wildness like none other
Check out his Chow Down Guest mix below, and make sure you subscribe to our Mixcloud channel so you don't miss any future episodes