BURGERFUEL X YOUNG HENRYS - 'Fun-Raiser' for CanTeen Australia

As long time residents of Sydney's trend-Mecca and inner city suburb of 'Newtown', we know first hand how hard it can be for newbies to the area to feel a part of the neighbourhood. We were lucky when we landed in Newtown all those years ago, that we had the support of charming locals who welcomed us with open arms and helped us feel at home.
Which is why when we discovered the Australian young peoples charity CanTeen had recently moved in to the area, we wanted to extend the same courtesy! CanTeen work tirelessly to enrich the lives of young people whos lives (and worlds) have been turned upside down by cancer. CanTeen ar a wonderful group of humans who do incredible work; which is definitely something we can get behind.. So we decided to throw CanTeen a party / charity auction to welcome them to the neighbourhood on Saturday the 19th of November!
We approached Young Henrys (Brewing Co) to see if they wanted to join forces, and let us hold the auction at their epic tasting bar inside their Newtown brewery (76 Wilford Street, Newtown).
The day kicked off at 12PM with BurgerFuel announcing they'd be donating burgers at a 'pay what you feel' price, whilst Young Henrys donated the sales price of their tap beers from 12-2PM.
From 1PM, local artist Sindy Sinn started on a huge wall mural to keep people engaged between activities, whilst Cleveland's resident barber offered shaves & cuts with all money being donated to the collective money box.
At 2PM, Kiwi legend Krit popped in to MC our burger eating competition. The challenge? 1 x American Muscle single &1 x American Muscle double, eaten as fast as possible. Spectators placed bets with a $10 buy in, and winners were awarded a free beer and a free burger voucher if they picked the winner. On'ya Hendo! (Blue bandanna).
By the time 3PM rolled around, it was auction time!
Some of our incredible brand partners and friends donated items (many money can’t buy) which all went under the hammer from 3PM - 4:30PM.
Multi-industry heavyweights EMI / Universal Music, Puma, Dendy Cinemas, Warner Music, Red Bull, Madman Entertainment, Laneway Festival, Audio-Technica, Crunch Fitness, UFC all and many others all dug deep and hooked us up with some INSANE items.
By day's end, we'd collectively raised $3,919.50 for CanTeen.
So here's to YOU you bloody legend, and all of those like you, for coming down and getting amongst a great bunch of people for a great cause; we couldn't have done it without you.